Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Concerto Throughout Time
Key Concepts
  • Be able to listen and analyse instrumentation and how each period of music had different concertos.
  • Describe instruments and how composers created contrasting music.
Key Vocabulary
Concerto, Cadenza, Concertino, Basso Continuo, Ornamentation, Ripieno, Terraced Dynamics, Homophonic, Polyphonic, Tutti, Virtuosic
Conventions of Pop
Key Concepts
  • What are the key elements of rock n roll?
  • What are the key elements of rock anthems?
  • What are the key elements of pop ballads?
  • What are the key elements of pop artists and pop of he 70s/80s/90s?
  • How to describe the music using past paper questions
Key Vocabulary
Chord, 12 Bar Blues, Improvisation, Walking Bass, Power Chord, Harmonic Rhythm, Harmony, Homophonic
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Film and Game Music
Key Concepts
  • Be able to listen and analyse pieces of film and game music.
  • To be able to answer long answer questions accessing the top band of marks.
  • To have nearly completed their composition NEA.
Key Vocabulary
leitmotif, mickey mousing, underscore, diegetic music, descriptive music
Rhythms of the World
Key Concepts
  • What are the key elements of Bhangra?
  • What are the key elements of Indian classical music?
  • What are the key elements of Mediterranean music?
  • What are the key elements of Samba?
  • What are the key elements of Calypso?
  • What are the key elements of African?
  • To be able to apply this knowledge to listening tasks.
Key Vocabulary
Melodic Features, Harmonic Features, Articulation, Tonality, Texture, Instrumentation, Rhythm, Metre, Tempo
Click to Expand Summer Content:

By this point in the academic year, we have completed the course content and we are focusing on revision, exam technique and pace.

Subject Overview:

Students in Year 11 have 3 Music lessons each week.

In Year 11, students have 1 piece of homework set every week.

Homework takes the form a listening task, and performance practice.


Students are given exam style practise questions on a regular basis throughout the year.

In the Autumn Term, students sit a mock listening exam and a performance assessment.

Students will then sit their final exam in the Summer Term.