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Key Concepts Overview:
  • Introduction to basic functions of the digital camera e.g. how to use the camera and uploading photographs.
  • Introduction to photography techniques such as: composition and rule of space.
  • Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (still image editing software).
  • Build up your ability to take creative risks and feel comfortable with not getting it right first time.
  • Improved ability to work in a team dynamic.
  • Critical understanding of purpose and audience when creating.
Key Vocabulary:
  • Upload – to transfer files from one hardware device to another, typically to one that is larger.
  • Composition - –the layout of an image. Can also link to Music.
  • Rule of Thirds - Divide the image into thirds and ensure subjects are positioned on or near those lines.
  • Rule of Space - The empty space in the image creates a more thoughtful feel to it.
  • Simplification - By not crowding too many things into your frame, you are creating a more pleasing environment for the object you wish to focus on.
  • Symmetry – Not similar to Maths, symmetry within Photography does not have to be a mirror image. Symmetry within Photography creates a balanced composition.
  • Adobe Photoshop – Editing software used to alter photographs e.g. melt faces.
  • Overlay – This is where two or more images are placed over one another either digitally or physically.
  • Lasso – Selection tool used in Adobe Photoshop.
  • Layer – Found in the Layer Palette and a new one is added with every tool applied to an image.
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 7 have 1 double Photography lesson each week.

In Year 7, students have 1 piece of homework set every 2 weeks.
This homework is set according to the homework timetable.


Students in Year 7 sit a baseline assessment when they start Photography.

Students projects are assessed throughout the term.