Click to Expand Autumn Term Content:
Mental Health
Students Learn:
  • How to manage challenges during adolescence
  • How to reframe negative thinking
  • Strategies to promote mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • About the signs of emotional or mental ill-health
  • How to access support and treatment
  • About the portrayal of mental health in the media
  • How to challenge stigma, stereotypes and misinformation
Financial Decision Making
Students Learn:
  • How to effectively budget and evaluate savings options
  • How to prevent and manage debt, including understanding credit rating and pay day lending
  • How data is generated, collected and shared, and the influence of targeted advertising
  • How thinking errors, e.g. Gambler’s fallacy, can increase susceptibility to gambling
  • Strategies for managing influences related to gambling, including online
  • About the relationship between gambling and debt
  • About the law and illegal financial activities, including fraud and cybercrime
  • How to manage risk in relation to financial activities
Click to Expand Spring Term Content:
Healthy Relationships
Students Learn:
  • About relationship values and the role of pleasure in relationships
  • About assumptions, misconceptions and social norms about sex, gender and relationships
  • About the opportunities and risks of forming and conducting relationships online
  • How to manage the impact of the media and pornography on sexual attitudes, expectations and behaviours
  • About the ethical and legal implications in relation to consent, including manipulation, coercion, and capacity to consent
  • How to recognise and respond to pressure, coercion and exploitation, including reporting and accessing appropriate support
  • How to recognise and challenge victim blaming
  • About asexuality, abstinence and celibacy
Exploring Influence
Students Learn:
  • About positive and negative role models
  • About the media's impact on perceptions of gang culture
  • About the impact of drugs and alcohol on individuals, personal safety, families and wider communities
  • How drugs and alcohol affect decision making
  • How to keep self and others safe in situations that involve substance use
  • How to seek help for substance use and addiction
  • How to manage peer influence in increasingly independent scenarios, in relation to substances, gangs and crime
  • Exit strategies for pressurised or dangerous situations
  • How to evaluate the influence of role models and become a positive role model for peers
Click to Expand Summer Term Content:
Addressing Extremism and Radicalisation
Students Learn:
  • About communities, inclusion, respect and belonging
  • About the equality act, diversity and values
  • About how social media may distort, mis-represent or target information in order to influence beliefs and opinions
  • How to manage conflicting views and misleading information
  • How to safely challenge discrimination, including online
  • How to recognise and respond to extremism and radicalisation
Employability Week
Students Learn:
A variety of skills through different workshops throughout a week.
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 10 have 1 PSHE lesson each week.

Students do not receive any PSHE homework.


Students have no official assessments. Instead students are expected to be holistic and reflective on the lessons rather than receive summative judgements on progress.