Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Students Learn:
  • How to manage the judgement of others and challenge stereotyping
  • How to develop self-efficacy, including motivation, perseverance and resilience
  • How to maintain a healthy self-concept
  • About the nature, causes and effects of stress
  • Stress management strategies, including maintaining healthy sleep habits
  • How to manage work/life balance
  • Effective revision techniques and strategies
  • About positive and safe ways to create content online and the opportunities this offers
  • How to balance time online
  • How to use feedback constructively when planning for the future
  • How to set and achieve smart targets
  • How to balance ambition and unrealistic expectations
  • About application processes, including writing cvs, personal statements and interview technique
  • How to write a CV
  • How to maximise employability, including managing online presence and taking opportunities to broaden experience
  • About rights, responsibilities and challenges in relation to working part time whilst studying
Students Learn:
  • About different types of families and changing family structures
  • How to evaluate readiness for parenthood and positive parenting qualities
  • About fertility, including how it varies and changes
  • About pregnancy, birth and miscarriage
  • About unplanned pregnancy options, including abortion
  • About adoption and fostering
  • How to manage change, loss, grief and bereavement
  • About 'honour based' violence and forced marriage and how to safely access support
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Communication in Relationships
Students Learn:
  • About core values and emotions
  • About gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation
  • How to communicate assertively
  • How to communicate wants and needs
  • How to handle unwanted attention, including online
  • How to challenge harassment and stalking, including online
  • About various forms of relationship abuse
  • About unhealthy, exploitative and abusive relationships
  • How to access support in abusive relationships and how to overcome challenges in seeking support
Students Learn:
  • How to assess and manage risk and safety in new independent situations (e.g. personal safety in social situations and on the roads)
  • Emergency first aid skills
  • How to assess emergency and non-emergency situations and contact appropriate services
  • About the links between lifestyle and some cancers
  • About the importance of screening and how to perform self-examination
  • About vaccinations and immunisations
  • About registering with and accessing doctors, sexual health clinics, opticians and other health services
  • How to manage influences and risks relating to cosmetic and aesthetic body alterations
  • About blood, organ and stem cell donation
Click to Expand Summer Content:

At this point in the academic year, PSHE lessons become addition time for revision, exam technique and pace in other subjects.

Subject Overview:

Students in Year 11 have 1 PSHE lesson each week.

Students do not receive any PSHE homework.


Students have no official assessments. Instead students are expected to be holistic and reflective on the lessons rather than receive summative judgements on progress.