Click to Expand Autumn Term Content:
What is the Best Kind of Guidance?
Key Concepts
  • Understand what worship means
  • Understand how Hindus worship
  • Explain how worship makes faith grow stronger
Focus Religions
Christianity, Islam, Judaism
Key Vocabulary
Gospels, Qur’an, Hadith, Democracy, Government, Dictatorship
What is the Difference Between Going on a Journey as a Tourist and as a Pilgrim?
Key Concepts
  • To understand the reason why people go on pilgrimages.
  • To understand the differences between being a pilgrim and a tourist.
  • To reflect on and evaluate the experiences people have whilst on a pilgrimage.
Focus Religions
Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam
Key Vocabulary
Pilgrimage, Tourism, Sacred, Holy, Journey, Spiritual, Experience, Togetherness, Cultural
Click to Expand Spring Term Content:
What is the Difference Between Going on a Journey as a Tourist and as a Pilgrim?
Key Concepts
  • To Reflect On And Evaluate The Experiences People Have Whilst On A Pilgrimage
Focus Religions
Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism
Key Vocabulary
Pilgrimage, Tourism, Sacred
Did Jesus Save the World?
Key Concepts
  • Evaluate Some Christian Beliefs About The Idea Of ‘saving’
  • Understand More About Jesus’ Birth, Life, Death And Resurrection
Focus Religions
Key Vocabulary
Sin, Incarnation, Saviour, Resurrection, Holy Spirit
Click to Expand Summer Term Content:
What Makes A Gurdwara Special?
Key Concepts
  • Know What You Can Find At A Gurdwara And What It Tells You About Sikh Beliefs
  • Explain Why The Gurdwara Is Important To Sikhs
  • Give Your Own View About What Is Special About A Gurdwara
Focus Religions
Key Vocabulary
Gurdwara, Guru Granth Sahib, Langar, Khanda, Sangat, Vahiguru, Sewa
What Would A Church For All Christians Be Like?
Key Concepts
  • Understand The Meaning Of The Word Denomination
  • Know Why Different Denominations Worship In Different Ways
  • Evaluate What Is Needed To Satisfy Their Needs And Design A Church To Meet Those Needs
Focus Religions
Key Vocabulary
Denomination, Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, Eucharist, Liturgy, Community, Ecumenical
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 8 have one lesson of Religious Education each week.

Students will receive one piece of Religious Education homework set on alternate weeks.


Students’ progress and work is assessed through in class assessments at the end of each topic.