Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Influences on Participation
Key Concepts
  • Socio Economic Groups
  • Gender and Age Groups
  • Ethnicity Groups
  • Disability Groups
Key Vocabulary
Commercialisation, Media, Sportsmanship, Gamesmanship, Deviance, Socio-Economic, Trends, Sponsors
Commercialisation of Sport
Key Concepts
  • Commercialisation, the media and sport
  • Advantages of Commercialisation
  • Disadvantages of Commercialisation
Key Vocabulary
Commercialisation, Media, Sportsmanship, Gamesmanship, Deviance, Socio-Economic, Trends, Sponsors
Sporting Behaviour
Key Concepts
  • Sporting Behaviour
  • Deviance in Sport
Key Vocabulary
Commercialisation, Media, Sportsmanship, Gamesmanship, Deviance, Socio-Economic, Trends, Sponsors
Use of Data
Key Concepts
  • Using Data to Improve Performance
  • Understanding what Data Indicates
Key Vocabulary
Commercialisation, Media, Sportsmanship, Gamesmanship, Deviance, Socio-Economic, Trends, Sponsors
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Components of Fitness
Key Concepts
  • Physical Fitness
  • Skill Related fitness
Sport Focuses
Aerobic Endurance, Flexibility, Speed, Muscular Strength, Body Composition, Muscular Endurance, Reaction Time, Coordination, Power, Agility, Balance
Determining Exercise Intensity
Key Concepts
  • Borg Scale
  • The Training Pyramid
Key Learning
Calculating Maximum Heart Rate
Principles of Training
Key Concepts
  • Specificity and Individual Differences
  • Progressive Overload
  • Adaptation
  • Reversibility
  • Variation
  • Rest and Recovery
Sport Focuses
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
Click to Expand Summer Content:
Fitness Training Methods
Key Concepts
  • Preparation for Training
  • Flexibility Training
  • Circuit
  • Free Weights
  • Plyometrics
  • Continuous
  • Interval
  • Fartlek
  • Hollow Sprints
  • Acceleration Sprints
Sport Focuses
Warming Up, Cooling Down, Static, Balistic, PNF
Fitness Tests
Key Concepts
  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Aerobic Endurance
  • Speed
  • Agility
  • Power
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Body Composition
Sport Focuses
Sit and Reach, Hand Grip Dynamometer, Multi Stage Fitness Test, Forestry Step Test, 30m Sprint, Illinois Agility Run, Vertical Jump, One Minute Press Up, One Minute Sit Ups, Body Mass Index, Jackson Pollock Nomogram
Subject Overview:

In GCSE PE, Year 10 students have 3 lessons each week alongside 2 core PE lessons.

Year 10 students will receive one 30-60 minute piece of PE homework each week.


Students are given an assessment at the end of each unit and a summative assessment at the end of each term.

Students are assessed on 3 sports from an allocated sports list and complete coursework (Personal Exercise Programme) based on these sports. The coursework accounts for 40% of their GCSE mark.