Click to Expand Autumn Content:
How Can You Use Goal Setting To Optimise Performance Using SMART Targets?
Key Concepts
  • Effective Goal Setting Can Benefit Through
  • Smart Targets And Examples
  • Reviewing Targets
  • Intrinsic – Kinaesthetic/ Feel Of The Movement
  • Extrinsic – Outside Source (Teacher / Coach)
  • Terminal – End Of A Performance (Reflective)
  • Concurrent – During Performance (Can Have Immediate Impact On Performance)
Key Vocabulary
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound, Effort, Focus, Perseverance, Motivation, Strengths And Weaknesses, Reviewing Of Targets
What Is Mental Preparation And How Can It Be Used To Improve Performance?
Key Concepts
  • Mental Preparation Varies According to Athlete and Sport
  • Pre-Warm up, During a Warm Up, During an Event
Key Vocabulary
Feedback, Mechanical Feedback, Level of the Performer: Beginner, Advanced, Advantages and Disadvantages
Click to Expand Spring Content:

At this point in Year 11 students have finished the course and are either completing any practical work or revising.

Click to Expand Summer Content:

At this point in Year 11 students have finished the course and are revising.

Subject Overview:

In BTEC PE, Year 11 students have 3 lessons each week alongside 2 core PE lessons.

Year 11 students will receive one 30-60 minute piece of PE homework each week.


Students sit a mock exam during the Autumn Term.

Students sit their final exam during the Summer Term.

Students are assessed on 3 sports from an allocated sports list and complete coursework (Personal Exercise Programme) based on these sports. The coursework accounts for 40% of their GCSE mark.