Bursaries Available
The Trustees of St George’s are committed to broadening access to the school by offering means-tested financial support with school fees to eligible parents. This support is known as a Bursarial Award. Invariably there are more applications than there are funds available, and academic merit is part of the assessment process i.e. such an award may be offered to parents of children who give evidence of above-average ability or potential in various areas of school life.
The school offers a limited number of Bursarial Awards each year. There is a fixed limit to the amount of any bursary offered, and financially there is a limit to the amount of assistance that can be offered to students in any one year. Bursarial Awards may be awarded in the form of a remission of up to 20% on fees payable, depending on the financial, compassionate or other pertinent circumstances of applicants.
Any family who needs this assistance should notify the Admissions Team at the earliest opportunity, and no later than the point of registration.
Our Team will provide you with the necessary paperwork and support you through the process.