Year 11 Food Technology
Subject Overview:
Students in Year 11 have 3 Food Technology lessons each week.
Students have 2 practical lessons and 1 theory lesson each week.
Students will receive one piece of Food homework weekly which should last up to an hour. Homework can consist of research and presentation preparation, sensory analysis and evaluation writing or exam questions.
Task 1:
Food investigation (30 marks)
Written or electronic report
(1,500 – 2,000 words) including photographic evidence of the practical investigation.
Students' understanding of the working
characteristics, functional and chemical
properties of ingredients. Practical investigations are a compulsory
element of this NEA task.
Task 2:
Food preparation assessment
(70 marks)
Written or electronic portfolio
including photographic evidence.
Photographic evidence of the three final
dishes must be included. Students' knowledge, skills and understanding
in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task. Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than 3 hours, planning in advance how
this will be achieved.
Written exam:
1 hour 45 minutes
100 marks
50 % of GCSE
Multiple choice questions (20 marks)
Five questions, each with a number of
sub questions (80 marks)