Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Early Elizabethan England 1558-1598
Key Concepts:
  • Understand The Structure Of Elizabethan Society In 1558
  • Understand The Issues Of Legitimacy
  • Understand The Role Of The Church
  • Evaluate The Impact Of Elizabeth’s Religious Settlement
  • Analyse How The Government Was Able To Monitor Threats Against The Queen
  • Assess The Reasons Why The Spanish Armada Was Defeated, And The Consequences Of English Victory
  • Identify Shifts In Attitude Towards The Poor During Elizabeth’s Reign
Key Vocabulary:
Vagabonds, Heretics, Clergy, Ecclesiastical, Martyr, Social Mobility, Propaganda, Sacraments, Papacy, Spanish Inquisition, Conspiracy
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Early Elizabethan England 1558-1598
Key Concepts:
  • Understand The Structure Of Elizabethan Society In 1558
  • Identify Shifts In Attitude Towards The Poor During Elizabeth’s Reign
Key Vocabulary:
Vagabonds, Social Mobility, Propaganda, Navigation, Maps, Galleon, Circumnavigation, Social Mobility, Humanists, Apprentice, Rhetoric, Rural Depopulation, Subsistence Farming, Arable, Vagabonds, Economic Recession, Quadrant, Astrolobe, Colonies, Monopoly, Barter
Click to Expand Summer Content:
Weimar and Nazi Germany 1919-1939
Government of the Third Reich
Key Concepts:
Key Concepts:
  • Explain The Reasons For Early Opposition To The Weimar Republic
  • Evaluate How Successful The Weimar Republic Was In Dealing With These Problems And The Opposition It Encountered
  • Understand The Causes And Effects Of The Hyperinflation In 1923
  • Explain How Far The Weimar Republic Recovered In The Years 1924-1929
  • Explain Why There Was Greater Support For The Nazis In The Years 1929-1932
  • Describe Which Groups Supported The Nazi Party
  • To Explain How Hitler Established A Dictatorship Of The Nazi Party In The Years 1933-1934
  • To Describe The Key Features Of A Police State
  • To Explain The Importance Of Propaganda In Nazi Germany
  • To Analyse The Extent Of Opposition And Resistance To The Third Reich
Key Vocabulary:
Key Vocabulary:
Armistice, Coalition, Constitution, Judiciary, Kaiser, Orator, Putsch, Reichstag, Reparations, Spartacists
Democracy, Dictatorship, Fuhrer, Purge, State parliament, SS, Third Reich, Censorship, Concentration Camps, Concordat, Gestapo, Indoctrination, Police State, Propaganda, Edelweiss
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 10 have 3 History lessons each week.

In Year 10 students have homework set every week, this homework is designed to last around 30-60 minutes. There will also be regular practice of suitable examination questions.


Students are assessed 5-6 times a year – every half term or at the end of a topic. Assessment can take the form of a variety of styles such as writing, comprehension, presentations, examination questions.