Year 10 ICT
Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Understand the Uses of and Tools/Techniques used in Databases
Why are databases used?
Topic Objectives:
- Know why organisations use databases
- To be able to give examples and uses of databases
Using Databases to Improve Working Practices
Topic Objectives:
- Improving productivity and accuracy in a database
Databases and Relationships
Topic Objectives:
- Types of databases
- Types of relationships
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Design, Develop and Test a Relational Database
Designing a Database
Topic Objectives:
- The hardware, software and other resources required
- Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), including entities, attributes and relationships
- Validation and verification procedures
- Input and output screens/forms and reports
- Constraints (e.g. hardware and software availability)
- Test plan with test data to test functionality
Software Tools and Techniques to Develop a Relational Database
Topic Objectives:
- Single and multiple table structures with appropriate field characteristics
- Validation rules and text
- Indexing
- Create new records
- Edit and delete existing records of data
- Create, edit and delete relationships
- Create and edit forms
Click to Expand Summer Content:
Database Development
Software Tools and Techniques to Develop a Relational Database
Topic Objectives:
- Use reports to present meaningful information for a purpose and specific users
- Use sorts to select relevant data using a single or multiple fields.
- Use queries with multiple criteria using at least two tables, making use of logical operators
- Create automated tasks using macros
Reviewing a Database
Topic Objectives:
- Review a finished relational database to check the usability and reliability of it
- Review a finished relational database to confirm it is fit for purpose
- Review a finished relational database to look for improvements
Subject Overview:
Students in Year 10 have 3 ICT lessons each week.
In Year 10 students have homework set every week. Year 10 Homework consists of completing Unit 10 in students’ own time.
Year 10 Students have one internal assessment as well as coursework to complete.