Year 12 ICT
Click to Expand Autumn 1 Content:
Information Technology Systems
Digital devices, Their Functions and Use
Learning Topics:
- Digital devices that form part or all of IT systems
- The function and use of digital devices
Peripheral Devices and Media
Learning Objectives:
- Peripheral devices used with other digital devices to form part of an IT system
- Manual and automatic data processing
- Accessibility devices
- Characteristics and implications of storage media used to form part of an IT system
Computer Software in an IT System
Learning Objectives:
- Types of operating systems
- The role of the operating system
- Factors affecting the choice and use of user interfaces
- Factors affecting the choice of operating system
- The principles and implications of open source and proprietary operating systems and software
- The features of common file types and formats
Emerging Technologies
Learning Objectives:
- The concepts and implications of how emerging technologies affect the performance of IT systems.
- Implications of emerging technologies on the personal use of IT systems
- Implications of emerging technologies on the use of IT systems in organisations
Choosing IT Systems
Learning Objectives:
- Factors affecting the choice of digital technology
Click to Expand Autumn 2 Content:
Using Systems to Manage Information
Relational database management systems
Learning Objectives:
- Types of relational database management systems (RDBMS) and their characteristics
- RDBMS based on relational models
Manipulating Data Structures and Data in Relational Databases
Learning Objectives:
- Use of RDBMS software tools and structured query language (SQL) for defining, modifying and removing data structures and data
Learning Objectives:
- The role of normalisation to develop efficient data structures
Click to Expand Spring 1 Content:
Information Technology Systems
Online Systems
Learning Objectives:
- The personal and professional uses and applications of cloud storage
- The personal and professional uses and applications of cloud computing
- The impact and implications on individuals of using cloud storage and computing
- The impact and implications on organisations of using cloud storage and computing
- Factors affecting the use and selection of online systems
Online Communities
Learning Objectives:
- The features of online communities and the implications of their widespread use for organisations and individuals
- The implications for individuals of using and accessing online communities
- The implications for organisations of using and accessing online communities
Threats to Data, Information and Systems
Learning Objectives:
- The characteristics of threats to data
- The impact of threats to data, information and systems on individuals
- The impact of threats to data, information and systems on organisations
Protecting Data
Learning Objectives:
- Processes and implications of techniques for protecting data and systems
- The features, characteristics and implications of using antivirus software to protect data
- The features, characteristics and implications of using firewalls to protect data
- The features, applications and implications of encryption methods used to protect data
- The role of current legislation in protecting data and IT systems from attack and misuse
- The impact on individuals and organisations of legislation designed to protect data and IT systems
- The purpose, role and impact, on individuals and organisations, of codes of practice for the protection of data produced by the Information Commissioner’s Office (UK) and professional bodies
Click to Expand Spring 2 Content:
Using Systems to Manage Information
Relational Database Design
Learning Objectives:
- Selection of RDBMS and SQL software, tools, techniques and processes
Design Documentation
Learning Objectives:
- The features and characteristics of relational database design techniques and their application to solve problems
Click to Expand Summer 1 Content:
Information Technology Systems
Online Services
Learning Objectives:
- The features and implications of using online services to support different organisations
- The uses, impact and implications for individuals and organisations of transactional data, targeted marketing and collaborative working
Impact on Organisations
Learning Objectives:
- The features and implications of IT systems used by organisations
- The impact and implications for organisations providing IT systems
Using and Manipulating Data
Learning Objectives:
- The uses, processes and implications for individuals and organisations of accessing and using data and information in digital form
- Judging and ensuring the reliability of data
- Reasons and methods for ensuring data accuracy
- Methods of extracting and sorting data
- Data modelling and the presentation of data and results
Moral and Ethical Issues
Learning Objectives:
- The moral and ethical factors of the use of information technology
- The purpose and role of codes of practice produced by professional bodies for the use of IT systems
- The impact of codes of practice on individuals and organisations
Legal Issues
Learning Objectives:
- The role of current legislation in protecting users and their data from attack and misuse
- Guidelines and current legislation designed to ensure the accessibility of IT systems
- The moral and ethical factors of the use of IT systems
Click to Expand Summer 2 Content:
Using Systems to Manage Information
Producing a Database Solution
Learning Objectives:
- Select and configure appropriate RDBMS and SQL tools to produce a database solution to meet client’s requirements
- Devising and using SQL statements to extract, manipulate and modify data
Testing and Refining the Database Solution
Learning Objectives:
- Different types of testing: referential integrity, functionality, security
- Selection and use of appropriate test data: erroneous data, extreme data
- Recording appropriate test documentation
- Using testing outcomes to improve and refine a database solution
Database Design Evaluation
Learning Objectives:
- Evaluating a design against the given requirements
Evaluation of Database Testing
Learning Objectives:
- Evaluating the application of test data to ensure that the database solution meets requirements
Evaluation of the Database
Learning Objectives:
- Evaluating the software outcome against the given requirements
Subject Overview:
Students in Year 12 have 5 ICT lessons each week.
Students are encouraged to use their study periods to continue their coursework, revise for upcoming exams and/or prepare questions for future topics and assignments.
Year 12 students complete external assessments Unit 1: Information Technology Systems and Unit 2: Using Systems to Manage Information during the Summer Term.