Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Theme and Variations
Key Concepts
  • Understand the difference between a theme and a variation.
  • To know how to vary a theme and create a variation.
  • What tonality is and the difference between major and minor and how to change a piece from one to the other.
  • How to compose using different melodic techniques.
  • To be able to identify the difference between major and minor through listening tasks.
Key Vocabulary
Theme, Variation, Tonality, Major, Minor, Scale, Retrograde, Inversion, Accompaniment, Chords, Ornamentation
Film Music
Key Concepts
  • What is a Leitmotif and what is mickey mousing?
  • How to manipulate the musical elements to create certain moods or effects.
  • The history of film music – where certain stereotypes within film music came from.
  • How to compose to a set scene and how to change a character’s leitmotif using the musical elements.
Key Vocabulary
Tonality, Major, Minor, Leitmotif, Mickey Mousing, Cluster Chord, Dissonance, Diatonic, Chromatic, Transition, Brass Fanfare
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Mozart and Beethoven
Key Concepts
  • To know the instruments of the orchestra and their positions.
  • To know who Mozart and Beethoven are and why they are considered ‘great composes’.
  • To look at the classical period and to understand the key characteristics.
  • To start to understand the different types of textures.
  • How to read performance directions.
Key Vocabulary
Classical period, Concerto, Orchestra, Strings, Percussion, Woodwind, Brass, Monophonic, Homophonic, Polyphonic
Bass Clef
Key Concepts
  • 1. What is a bass clef and how to read the notation?
  • 2. What instruments play in bass clef.
  • 3. What are the different styles of music which includes a strong bass line?
  • 4. How to perform with the left hand of the keyboard using correct fingers.
  • 5. How to compose a melody which will harmonise with an existing tune.
Key Vocabulary
Bass Clef, Clef, Treble Clef, Walking Bass, Arpeggio, Riff, Harmonise, Jazz, Chord.
Click to Expand Summer Content:
Key Concepts
  • To know the history of reggae and what musical styles influenced it
  • To know how to identify key musical features in listening tracks
  • To be able to perform a piece of reggae in style
  • To compose a reggae piece using the keyboard ensuring they are composing stylistic
Key Vocabulary
Reggae, Backbeat, Syncopation, Chop, Hook, Riff, Verse, Chorus, Beats in Bar
Key Concepts
  • What rap lyrics are typically about
  • The history of rap and the main musical features of the style
  • How to perform a rap musically
  • How to write a rap and perform it in time with the beat
Key Vocabulary
Rap, Backbeat, Rhyming Couplets, Rhyme, Accent, Beat
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 8 have 1 Music lesson each week.

In Year 8, students have 1 piece of homework set every 2 weeks.
This homework is set according to the homework timetable.

At the end of this year, Music becomes an available option to continue with at GCSE.


Students sit a listening and practical assessment at the end of each half term.