Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Greek and Irish Music
Key Concepts
  • What are the key elements of Greek music.
  • The difference between Greek music and Irish music.
  • What is a time signature and what is the difference between simple and compound and regular and irregular?
  • How to compose using irregular time signatures in the style of Greek music (e.g. using parallel melodies).
Key Vocabulary
Time Signature, Irregular Time Signature, Compound Time, Simple Time Signature, Bouzouki, Parallel melodic movement, Call and Response, Homophonic
Baroque Concerto
Key Concepts
  • What are the main drums and percussive instruments used in West African Music?
  • How are West African pieces performed and what is their significance?
  • How to compose using rhythmic notation
  • The key elements of West African Music
  • How is it taught and performed?
Key Vocabulary
Concerto, Basso Continuo, Harpsichord, Contrapuntal, Polyphonic, Ritnorenllo, Ripeno, Concertino, Chord, Related Keys (Circle of Fifths), Ornamentation, Terraced Dynamics.
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Rock n Roll and Pop Ballads
Key Concepts
  • What is a pop ballad and what are its key features?
  • What is rock n roll and what are its key features?
  • What is an arrangement?
  • How to arrange a pre-existing piece into their own using a chosen style.
  • How to use gargeband more confidently.
Key Vocabulary
Blues, Rock n roll, Walking Bass, 12 Bar Blues, Blues Scale, Slap Bass, Improvisation, Pop Ballad, Reverb, Echo, Multitracking, Arrangement
Samba and African
Key Concepts
  • Recap what are the main drums and percussive instruments used in West African Music and how are pieces performed and what is their significance?
  • The key elements of West African Music.
  • The main drums and instrumentation of Samba and the key features.
  • How to compose a samba piece using the music software.
Key Vocabulary
Polyrhythm, Cross Rhythm, Groove, Break, Improvisation, Call and Response, Master Drummer, Ostinato, Ostinato Layering
Click to Expand Summer Content:
Video Game Music and Calypso
Key Concepts
  • What are the key features of video game music and how has it changed over the years?
  • How to successfully write a piece of video game music and how to develop the leitmotif to different scenes
  • What is calypso and what are the different types?
  • How to describe calypso music using listening tracks
  • How to arrange a piece of calypso music
Key Vocabulary
Leitmotif, Underscore, Cue, Master Drummer, Steel Pan, Syncopation, Arrangement
Study of Personal Instrument
Key Concepts
  • To look at what makes a good performance and what performance techniques are
  • To study their instrument in detail, leaning what style it typically pays in, its key features and how what techniques can be performed on it
  • To compose a study for their chosen instrument using the correct musical techniques for their instrument
Key Vocabulary
Techniques, Articulation, Style, Fluency, Accuracy, Expression, Performance Directions
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 9 have 3 Music lessons each week.

In Year 9, students have 1 piece of homework set every week.

Homework takes the form of either a listening task, or performance practice.


Students sit a listening and practical assessment at the end of each half term.

Students compositions are continuously assessed throughout the year.

In the Summer Term, students sit a mock listening exam and a performance assessment.