Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Concerto Throughout Time
Key Concepts
  • Be able to listen and analyse instrumentation and how each period of music had different concertos.
  • Describe instruments and how composers created contrasting music.
Key Vocabulary
Concerto, Cadenza, Concertino, Basso Continuo, Ornamentation, Ripieno, Terraced Dynamics, Homophonic, Polyphonic, Tutti, Virtuosic
Film/Video Game Music
Key Concepts
  • What is a Leitmotif and what is mickey mousing?
  • How to manipulate the musical elements to create certain moods or effects.
  • The history of film music – where certain stereotypes within film music came from.
  • How to compose for different characters/moods.
  • How to answer long answer questions (paragraph).
Key Vocabulary
Tonality, Major, Minor, Leitmotif, Mickey Mousing, Cluster Chord, Dissonance, Diatonic, Chromatic, Transition
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Conventions of Pop
Key Concepts
  • To be able to recall the key features form each section of this AOS.
  • To be able to identify the key musical features while listening to each AOS.
  • To be able to identify what technology has been added to the tracks.
  • AOS is short for Area of Study
Key Vocabulary
Walking Bass, 12 Bar Blues, Power Chords, Chord, Accompaniment, Reverb, Effect, Echo, Synthesiser, Multitracker, EQ
Revise Previous Areas of Study and Launch Composition 1
Key Concepts
  • To be able to recall the key features of conventions of pop and identify key elements in musical tracks
  • To be able to recall the key features of film and game music and identify key elements in musical tracks
  • To be able to recall the key features of concerto throughout time and identify key elements in musical tracks
  • To start their composition 1 (free brief) on the musical software
  • To be practising for their performance mock and developing their performance skills
Key Vocabulary
Key Terms from Conventions of Pop, Key Terms from Film and Game Music, Key Terms from Concerto Throughout Time, Composition (free brief)
Click to Expand Summer Content:
Rhythms of the World
Key Concepts
  • Students will recap Greek music, Calypso, Samba and African music
  • Sudents will learn how to identify the different styles of music
Key Vocabulary
Key Features from (Bhangra, Indian Classical, Calypso, African, Samba, Music of the Mediterranean)
Key Concepts
  • To be able to recall the key features form each section of this AOS
  • To be able to identify the key musical features while listening to each AOS
  • To be finishing with their composition NEA
  • To perform their pieces they will be using for their performance NEA
Key Vocabulary
Key Terms from Rhythms of the World
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 10 have 3 Music lessons each week.

In Year 10, students have 1 piece of homework set every week.

Homework takes the form of a listening task, and performance practice.


Students are given exam style practise questions on a regular basis throughout the year.

Students compositions are continuously assessed throughout the year.

In the Summer Term, students sit a mock listening exam and a performance assessment.