Click to Expand Year 7 Content:
Autumn Term
Direct Instruction
Key Objective
How can we develop Invasion Skills and techniques to start to outwit opponents within a small sided game?
Core Tasks
  • ‘On the Attack’ Basketball/Netball
  • ‘Wide Attack’ Football
Focus Sports
Football, Basketball and Netball
Spring Term
Cooperative Learning
Key Objective
How can we use our cooperation and communication skills to develop movements patterns and techniques?
Core Tasks
  • Team Indoor Athletics Festival
  • Target Table Tennis ‘game’
  • Create and Perform a sequence
Focus Sports
Indoor Athletics, Table Tennis and Gymnastics
Summer Term
Direct Instruction
Key Objective
How can we develop net/wall and Striking/fielding skills and techniques to play within a game situation?
Core Tasks
  • Rackets Game Plan
  • Pairs Play Cricket
Focus Sports
Tennis, Cricket and Outdoor Athletics
Click to Expand Year 8 Content:
Autumn Term
Teaching Games for Understanding
Key Objective
How can we use and transfer tactics and strategies to overcome opponents across different invasion Sports?
Core Tasks
  • Scenario Challenges
Focus Sports
Football, Basketball and Netball
Spring Term
Cooperative Learning
Key Objective
How can we use collaboration skills to organise events and competitions successfully?
Core Tasks
  • Team Running Decathlon
  • Create a new ‘Olympic Sport’
  • Organise Table Tennis Competition
Focus Sports
Indoor Athletics/Running for Fitness ‘Games’, Games Making, Table Tennis or Alternative Sports: Volleyball, Dodgeball, Tchoukball
Summer Term
Teaching Games for Understanding
Key Objective
How can we adapt skills and tactics to be successful in different game conditions?
Core Tasks
  • Court Shape Tennis
  • Target Runs Cricket
Focus Sports
Cricket, Rounders and Softball
Click to Expand Year 9 Content:
Autumn Term
Sport Education
Key Objective
How can we use leadership skills to organise, deliver and play in an enjoyable sports festival ‘season’ for everyone?
Core Tasks
  • Participate in various team roles
  • Comment and plan ways to improve
Focus Sports
Football, Basketball and Netball
Spring Term
Health Based Physical Education
Key Objective
How can I utilise training methods and principles of training to keep myself physically active for sustained periods of time?
Core Tasks
  • Designing group exercise routine
  • Independent exercise plans / target setting
Focus Sports
Running for Fitness, Fitness with Circuits, Orienteering, Table Tennis and/or alternative sports: Volleyball, Dodgeball, Ultimate Frisbee, Tchoukball
Summer Term
Sport Education
Key Objective
How can we use leadership skills to organise, deliver and play in an enjoyable sports festival ‘season’ for everyone?
Core Tasks
  • Participate in various team roles
  • Comment and plan ways to improve the festival
Focus Sports
Cricket and Rounders
Click to Expand Year 10 Content:
Autumn Term
Teaching Games for Understanding
Key Objective
Improve Gameplay in Chosen Sports
Core Task
  • Practice working with a team
  • Improve techniques related to each sport
Focus Sports
Football, Table Tennis, Alternative Sports e.g. Tchoukball, Ultimate Frisbee, Dodgeball, Volleyball / Lifetime fitness
Spring Term
Sport Education
Key Objective
Improve Gameplay in Chosen Sports
Core Tasks
  • Practice working with a team
  • Improve techniques related to each sport
Focus Sports
Basketball, Table Tennis, Alternative Sports / Lifetime fitness
Summer Term
Direct Instruction
Key Objective
Improve Gameplay in Chosen Sports
Core Tasks
  • Practice working with a team
  • Improve techniques related to each sport
Focus Sports
Tennis, Cricket, Alternative Sports / Lifetime fitness
Click to Expand Year 11 Content:

Students in Year 11 pick their own sports to participate in as well as delivering activities for the chosen sport.

Subject Overview:

We are committed to fostering students’ skills in 5 main areas, equipping all to succeed in their physical and educational journey:

  • Healthy - choosing healthy behaviours and attitudes
  • Physical - development of physical competence and movements of the body
  • Social – developing teamwork, cooperation and responsibility
  • Thinking – development of decision making, knowledge and understanding
  • Personal – developing emotions, behaviours, attitudes and motivation

Students have 2 core PE lessons each week.

Students have no official homework set for PE however students are encouraged to partake in extra-curricular sporting activities.


Students are given an assessment at the end of each unit and a summative assessment at the end of each term based on core PE Tasks.