Click to Expand Year 12 Autumn Term Content:
Students Learn:
  • About the difference between Sixth Form and Secondary School and the different skills/experiences they will face
  • About a range of eating disorders, symptoms and treatment, including how to recognise an eating disorder
  • About blood and organ donation, including new opt-out systems and how blood/organ donations are used in hospitals
  • About breast screenings and smear tests for female fertility
  • About prostate exams and lowering the risk of prostate cancer
  • About protecting mental health in Sixth Form - higher risk of depression amongst University students
  • About vaccinations and immunisations for later life
Personal Finance
Students Learn:
  • About different types of tax and how these are paid; car, income, VAT
  • About different types of debt, what a credit score is and how to build it
  • About different types of bank account and their uses
  • About different types of benefits and their criteria
  • About different types of insurance; home, car, personal
  • About how to write a personal budget
  • About the risks of gambling, both physically and online
Click to Expand Year 12 Spring Term Content:
Students Learn:
  • About the rights of LGBT people in wider society
  • About toxic masculinity, how we can recognise and challenge it
  • About the law around sexism and sexual assault and what our rights/responsibilities are as adults
  • About how to be tolerant in a number of scenarios
  • About our personal identity
  • About extremism, how to recognise and report it
Drugs Education
Students Learn:
  • Recapping the basics of drug education from Senior School
  • About LSD, its risks and effects
  • About MDMA, its risks and effects
  • About ecstasy, its risks and effects
  • About safe alcohol consumption
  • About festival culture involving drugs/alcohol
Click to Expand Year 12 Summer Term Content:
Sex Education
Students Learn:
  • About fertility changes as we get older and changes in pregnant bodies
  • About different types of contraception and their effects
  • About common STIs and their risks/effects
  • Separate boys/girls Sexual Health
  • About the impact of pornography on healthy sexual relationships
  • About healthy relationships, including domestic abuse
Students Learn:
  • How to explore university and employment options, including researching their chosen courses
  • About Student Finance and the UCAS process
Click to Expand Year 13 Autumn Term Content:
Personal Safety
Students Learn:
  • About how to obtain a driving licence
  • About road safety in the local area
  • About the risks of gangs in the local area
  • About personal safety when travelling in public
  • About the risks of attending parties and practical personal safety advice
  • About safe alcohol consumption
Students Learn:
  • About the basics of a household budget
  • Skills and strategies to make the most of a budget
  • About the options available for students in terms of accommodation
  • About how to plan for a stable financial future
Click to Expand Year 13 Spring Term Content:

At this point in the academic year, PSHE lessons become addition time for revision, exam technique and pace in other subjects.

Click to Expand Year 13 Summer Term Content:

At this point in the academic year, PSHE lessons become addition time for revision, exam technique and pace in other subjects.

Subject Overview:

Students in Years 12 and 13 have 1 PSHE lesson each week.

Students do not receive any PSHE homework.


Students have no official assessments. Instead students are expected to be holistic and reflective on the lessons rather than receive summative judgements on progress.