Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Transition and Safety
Students Learn:
  • How to manage the challenges of moving to a new school
  • How to identify personal strengths and areas for development
  • How to identify, express and manage their emotions in a constructive way
  • How to establish and manage friendships
  • How to improve study skills
  • Personal safety strategies and travel safety
  • How to respond in an emergency situation and basic first aid?
  • How to work as a team?
Developing Skills and Aspirations
Students Learn:
  • About a broad range of careers and the abilities and qualities required for different careers
  • How to be enterprising, including skills of problem-solving, communication, teamwork, leadership, risk-management, and creativity.
  • About equality of opportunity
  • How to challenge stereotypes, broaden their horizons and how to identify future career aspirations
  • About the link between values and career choices
  • About what students have learned about careers, choices and skills in the form of a presentation
  • How to reflect on their choices and opportunities
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Students Learn:
  • About identity, rights and responsibilities
  • About living in a diverse society
  • About how to challenge prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination
  • The signs and effects of all types of bullying, including online
  • How to respond to bullying of any kind, including online
  • How to support others
  • How to celebrate diversity
Health and Puberty
Students Learn:
  • How to make healthy lifestyle choices including diet, dental health and physical activity
  • How sleep affects our bodies
  • How to manage influences relating to caffeine, smoking and alcohol
  • How to recognise and respond to inappropriate and unwanted contact
  • About FGM and how to access help and support
  • How to manage physical and emotional changes during puberty
  • About personal hygiene
Click to Expand Summer Content:
Building Relationships
Students Learn:
  • How to develop self-worth and self-efficacy
  • About qualities and behaviours relating to different types of positive relationships
  • How to recognise unhealthy relationships
  • About romantic relationships
  • How to evaluate expectations for romantic relationships
  • About consent and how to seek and assertively communicate consent
  • How to recognise and challenge media stereotypes
Financial Decision Making
Students Learn:
  • How to make safe financial choices
  • About banking, debit cards and cash
  • About how finances affect aspects of our lives outside of financial consequences
  • About ethical and unethical business practices and consumerism
  • About saving, spending and budgeting
  • How to manage risk-taking behaviour
  • How to plan financially for the future
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 7 have 1 PSHE lesson each week.

Students do not receive any PSHE homework.


Students have no official assessments. Instead students are expected to be holistic and reflective on the lessons rather than receive summative judgements on progress.