Click to Expand Autumn Term Content:
Drugs and Alcohol
Students Learn:
  • About the over-consumption of energy drinks
  • About the Media's responsibility to market products responsibly
  • About the relationship between habit and dependence
  • About the different types of drug; medicinal, recreational, prescription and over the counter
  • About medicinal drugs
  • About recreational drugs
  • About the risks of recreational drugs (physical, personal)
  • How to use over the counter and prescription medications safely
  • How to assess the risks of alcohol
  • How to assess the risks of tobacco/nicotine
  • How to assess the risks of e-cigarettes
  • How to manage influences in relation to substance use
  • How to recognise and promote positive social norms and attitudes
Setting Goals
Students Learn:
  • About equality of opportunity in life and work
  • How to challenge stereotypes and discrimination in relation to work and pay
  • About employment and different types of employment (temporary work, zero-hours, part time, flexible working, shift work etc)
  • About self-employment and the requirements of the self-employed
  • About voluntary work and the benefits (both personal and professional)
  • About working in the Health sector
  • About working in the Financial sector
  • About working in the Legal sector
  • How to set aspirational goals for future careers and challenge expectations that limit choices
  • About GCSE and post-16 options
  • Skills for decision making
Click to Expand Spring Term Content:
Students Learn:
  • About my own beliefs and decisions
  • How to manage influences on beliefs and decisions
  • About group-think and persuasion
  • How to develop self-worth and confidence
  • About the equality act and what it upholds
  • About gender identity, transphobia and gender-based discrimination
  • How to recognise and challenge homophobia and biphobia
  • About age-based discrimination and prejudice
  • About disability-based discrimination
  • About religious discrimination
  • About racism
  • How to recognise and challenge racism and religious discrimination
  • How to celebrate and recognise diversity
  • How to respect and practice tolerance of other people
Emotional Wellbeing
Students Learn:
  • About what Mental Health is
  • About attitudes towards Mental Health
  • About stigma towards Mental Health
  • How to challenge misconceptions/stigma
  • How we can help our Mental Health
  • About daily wellbeing
  • How to manage emotions
  • How social media can affect us
  • How to develop digital resilience
  • About body image
  • About unhealthy coping strategies (eg self harm and eating disorders)
  • About healthy coping strategies
  • About self-care
  • How to plan our own self-care
Click to Expand Summer Term Content:
Intimate Relationships
Students Learn:
  • About forming new partnerships and developing relationships
  • About the law in relation to consent
  • That the legal and moral duty is with the seeker of consent
  • How to effectively communicate about consent in relationships
  • About the long and short term consequences surrounding consent
  • The risks of 'sexting'
  • How to manage requests or pressure to send an image (sexting)
  • About the long and short term consequences surrounding sexting
  • About basic forms of contraception, e.g. Condom and Pill
  • About right to access contraception
  • About the long and short term consequences surrounding contraception
  • How to maintain positive, healthy relationships
Digital Literacy
Students Learn:
  • About online communication
  • How to use social networking sites safely
  • How to distinguish between content which is publicly and privately shared
  • How to recognise online grooming in relation to sexual exploitation
  • How to recognise online grooming in relation to financial exploitation
  • How to recognise online grooming in relation to extremism and radicalisation
  • How to respond and seek support in cases of online grooming
  • How to recognise biased or misleading information online
  • How to critically assess different media sources
  • About age restrictions when accessing different forms of media and how to make responsible decisions
  • How to protect financial security online
  • How to assess and manage risks in relation to gambling and chance-based transactions
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 8 have 2 PSHE lessons each week.

Students do not receive any PSHE homework.


Students have no official assessments. Instead students are expected to be holistic and reflective on the lessons rather than receive summative judgements on progress.