Click to Expand Autumn Content:
Peer Influence, Substance Use and Gangs
Students Learn:
  • How to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy friendships
  • How to assess risk and manage influences, including online
  • About 'group think' and how it affects behaviour
  • How to recognise passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour, and how to communicate assertively
  • To manage risk in relation to gangs
  • About the legal and physical risks of carrying a knife
  • About positive social norms in relation to drug and alcohol use
  • About legal and health risks in relation to drug and alcohol use, including addiction and dependence
Community and Careers
Students Learn:
  • About transferable skills, abilities and interests
  • How to demonstrate strengths
  • Skills for decision making
  • About different types of employment and career pathways
  • About different types of employment and career pathways
  • How to manage feelings relating to future employment
  • How to work towards aspirations and set meaningful, realistic goals for the future
Click to Expand Spring Content:
Respectful Relationships
Students Learn:
  • About the social norms of a what it means to be a "family"
  • About different types of families and parenting, including single parents, same sex parents and blended families
  • About different types of families and parenting, including adoption and fostering
  • About positive relationships in the home and ways to reduce homelessness amongst young people
  • How to manage relationship and family changes, including relationship breakdown, separation and divorce
  • About conflict and its causes in different contexts, e.g. with family and friends
  • Conflict resolution strategies
  • How to access support services
Healthy Lifestyle
Students Learn:
  • About the relationship between physical and mental health
  • About balancing work, leisure, exercise and sleep
  • About managing lifestyles to achieve a balance
  • How to make informed healthy eating choices
  • How to manage influences on body image
  • To take increased responsibility for physical health, including testicular self-examination
  • To make independent health choices
Click to Expand Summer Content:
Identity and Relationships
Students Learn:
  • About gender identity and sexual orientation
  • About readiness for sexual activity, the choice to delay sex, or enjoy intimacy without sex
  • About facts and misconceptions relating to consent
  • About the continuous right to withdraw consent and capacity to consent
  • About STIs, effective use of condoms and negotiating safer sex
  • About the consequences of unprotected sex, including pregnancy
  • How the portrayal of relationships in the media and pornography might affect expectations
  • How to assess and manage risks of sending, sharing or passing on sexual images
  • How to secure personal information online
Employability Skills
Students Learn:
  • About young people's employment rights and responsibilities
  • Skills for enterprise and employability
  • How to give and act upon constructive feedback
  • How to manage their 'personal brand' online
  • Habits and strategies to support progress
  • How to identify and access support for concerns relating to life online
Subject Overview:

Students in Year 9 have 1 PSHE lesson each week.

Students do not receive any PSHE homework.


Students have no official assessments. Instead students are expected to be holistic and reflective on the lessons rather than receive summative judgements on progress.