A-Level Overview:

In Year 12 and 13 students have the opportunity to study one or more A-level in Science. We currently offer A-levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are no restrictions as to which combination students can take however Biology and Chemistry and Chemistry and Physics are popular choices. In addition, many students also choose to study Maths alongside Physics.

For all 3 subjects we follow the OCR A-level curriculum. Students will have 5 lessons per week taught by a combination of the department’s subject specialists and will receive frequent homework tasks. Students are also encouraged to frequently review and revise previous content.


Although students no longer sit a formal, external AS-level paper at the end of the Year 12 (instead all examinations are at the end of Year 13), these courses still follow the same format of studying AS-level content in Year 12 and A-level content in Y13. All 3 science subjects follow the same overall format with Modules 1-4 being taught in Year 12 and Modules 5-6 being taught in Year 13. All 6 modules are assessed in the students’ final exams.

In addition to the examined content of the OCR A-level courses for Science, students also work towards a Practical Skills Endorsement Certificate. This is run by OCR as part of the course and is assessed internally over the 2 year course.


For a detailed overview of the A-level course content please click on the links below to review the relevant specifications.