Many children benefit from additional support at some point during their educational journey, to meet educational, social or emotional needs. We strive to be responsive to the particular strengths and difficulties of each of our pupils in order to provide every opportunity for them to reach their full potential.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) Mrs Joanna Love, has been working at St George’s for many years and holds the National Award for SEN Coordination. She is an Autism Level 3 Lead Practitioner and is trained in supporting pupils with many issues including, but not limited to, sensory, mental health, ADHD, Attachment and specific learning difficulties.
The department supports students primarily through inclusion and, as much as possible, children are educated alongside their peers. We work with teachers in the classroom to ensure that, in addition to a high-quality curriculum, adjustments are made to secure access to all learning opportunities.
Where necessary, we offer support outside the classroom to reinforce specific skills and knowledge. Students may receive intervention in small groups or individually, and follow a programme of support which meets their individual needs. Our SpLD teacher and Speech and Language Therapist work one-to-one with pupils who need more specialised input, as well as developing structured programmes to be delivered by trained Learning Support Assistants.
Students on the SEND register have access to our Think Tank provision which has its own dedicated teaching rooms for 1:1 or group sessions, as well as learning support; we have even been able to take this provision online during remote learning! Each pupil accessing the Think Tank will receive a structured programme tailored to their individual needs. Our dedicated Mentors run this provision under the guidance of our SENCo, Speech and Language Therapist and subject specialists.
Our experienced teaching assistants (many of whom hold a degree relevant to the subject department they are allocated to) work with small groups and individuals to provide specific support under the guidance of the SENCo and subject teachers.
We offer a bespoke transition programme for students with SEND (this typically commences in the Summer Term of Year 6) and liaise closely with our feeder primary schools so we are in a position to support pupils from the moment they start in our Senior school.
To find out more about our SEND provision click here.