St George's aims to ensure our fees provide excellent value for parents for the inspiring and ambitious education on offer.

The Board of Trustees reviews our fees annually in the Spring Term. Current and new parents are notified of the fee changes before the Easter break and ahead of the new academic year in September.

In recent years, our fee increases have been kept to a minimum and below the national average for Prep Schools. All accounts are payable on or before the first day of term.

Fees Per Term
*Excluding VAT
Reception Class
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7-11
Sixth Form

There is an option to pay the school fees though School Fee Plan (SFP).

Pre-School Fees – You may be eligible for 15-30 hours free funding per week from the Government, please contact the Finance office for more information.

Fees cover tuition and educational resources.

Extra charges will be raised for disbursements, individual musical instrument tuition, expeditions, trips, some extra-curricular activities, additional books and stationery (in some subjects it is necessary for pupils to have their own personal copies of books).

There may be additional charges for provision beyond the core offer, for example:

Small Group Support such as SULP (Social Use of Language Programme) is charged at £150 per term. There is a charge of £74 per session (1 session per week) if your child requires Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) and a charge of £40 per session if your child requires Dyslexia support from our SpLD teachers.

Lunches are charged at £279 per term. The lunch charge is compulsory for pupils in Pre-school up to Year 11, unless there is an agreement with the school that parents will provide a packed lunch; this would typically only be for medical reasons. Sixth Form students may opt out of lunches if they wish.

The Trustees reserve the right to alter the fees, subject to a term’s notice, and from time to time alter charges and vary the provisions and stipulations contained in the prospectus, associated brochures, and website.


Fees are payable on or before the first day of term, together with any charges incurred during the previous term. Where accounts are overdue without good cause, an interest charge will be added and the Trustees may at their discretion refuse admittance to any pupil whose fees remain unpaid at the start of term.

Monthly payments are available via School Fee Plan (SFP), details of which is available from the Bursar.


There is a £180 (inc VAT) non-refundable registration fee. A Deposit of £250 is payable to secure a place once an offer has been received from the School. The Deposit is held by the School and is accounted for at the end of the final term.

There is a £840 (inc VAT) non-refundable registration fee for families who require Tier 4 sponsorship. If placement is offered, the school will provide an invoice for the first year’s fees plus a refundable deposit of £500, which should be returned to the school as soon as possible.

Sibling Discount

Sibling discounts are applied when a family has two or more children in the school at any one time from Reception year onwards. They do not apply if the family is in receipt of a bursary or any other fee remittance.

A 10% remission of fees is available for a second and subsequent children subject to the simultaneity of all children being in the school at the same time.

For more information about scholarships please click here.

For more information about bursaries please click here.


From the term after their third birthday, all 3 to 4 year olds in England can access government funded, 15 free hours provision a week. Please contact our Finance Office to find out more, as there are other forms of funding available that may be accessible to you.

The Prep School also runs after school care between 3.30 – 5.00pm at an additional cost. Pupils can stay here for the first hour or for the whole session and it is supervised by duty members of staff. Please contact us for up to date information on our After Care provision.